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Top Hunting Property Improvements

October means hunting season is here and we are ready to gear up for the season. Here are ways to improve your hunting property for a successful hunting season.
You have likely already completed some improvements at the hunting property over the summer. Still things to tackle on your to-do list? It's not too late!

Grab that new stand, feeder and camera you've had your eye on and get them up! There are many options to improve your chances of attracting wildlife to your property, no matter how many acres you have.

Here are some of the best ways to improve your hunting season.

1. Blinds/Stands

Hunting blinds and stands are an awesome addition to any property. No matter if a seasoned or less experienced hunter, a blind is a welcome sight on those cold, rainy days where you would likely not be out if not for an enclosed blind. The Texas Hunter Xtreme, Trophy, and Wrangler series blinds offer options tailored to any property needs, both in rifle and bow friendly configurations.

One of the most common sights on many properties, ladder stands are a staple of the deer hunting world. Easy to assemble and install, they can be placed practically anywhere there are trees. Ladder stands offer a complete view of the area, unobstructed by walls or windows. However, movement and scent control are essential when utilizing open stands. One of many Millennium products offered, the L220 is an excellent choice for those who want an all-around stand that can comfortably accommodate up to two hunters. 

2. Wildlife feeders/Food Plots

Wildlife feeders are a great way to attract a variety of animals to the property. Protein feeders offer additional nutrition in times of high stress for deer. Essential forage tends to be less abundant during late winter and late summer.

In addition to feeders, one of the most popular options, often utilized in conjunction with feeders, food plots are a common choice for providing forage and drawing game species in. An advantage of food plots is the relatively low maintenance. Simply plant the correct mix and you are set for several seasons with minimal replanting.

We offer a variety of seed options from 4S Wildlife Solutions. Harvest Advantage offers an awesome base seed mix. Combining a bag of the Planter series adds additional versatility, tailored to many locations and conditions. Food plots are a great way to draw deer in and improve your hunting property. 

Not a hunter?

No problem! Wildlife feeders are perfect for viewing or photographing many animals. Since deer and wild turkey are very common sights around wildlife feeders, you are sure to see something interesting at the feeder. Depending on the feed used, additional species may appear as well.

We offer a variety of wildlife feeder options from Texas Hunter Products, the same company that is known for their fish feeders. Because we offer a variety of products from road feeders to gravity protein feeders, we are sure to have the one you are looking for. 

3. Cameras

An additional property improvement is the popular cellular trail camera. Gone are the days of trudging through heavy briars and dense brush to pull memory cards. No matter if utilized for monitoring a property entrance, capturing that shot on a monster buck or simply determining what you have on a property, trail cameras are a great tool for anyone wanting to improve their hunting season.

Therefore, with the wide availability of cellular trail cameras, it has never been easier to capture, sort, and view thousands of photos without having to physically access the cameras. Because these cameras come in at different price points, there is sure to be one in everyone's budget.

Additional accessories such as long-lasting batteries, extended range antennas, and compact solar panels make for the ultimate convenience.

While commonly used for general viewing, trail cameras can provide valuable information on wildlife population levels and behavior when utilized correctly. 

Next Steps

To sum things up, we would love to help you with recommendations or provide more information. Since we are at the beginning of the season, you still have time to make some improvements this year. Stands, feeders and cameras are the best ways to improve your hunting season.

Check out our store for great prices on your hunting needs!

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