When it Gets Warmer, Your Pond Layers Up!

Lake stratification is when the water in a lake or pond forms three distinct horizontal layers caused by differences in temperature. Temperature changes coincide with changes in density. The large differences in temperature and density throughout the water column cause the layers or zones to form. The water column is the entire vertical section of the water from the surface to the bottom.
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Five Things YOU Need to Do Before it Warms Up

In a few months, temperatures will rise and fish will become more active again. That means it's time to get your pond ready for the warm season before it comes. Proper preparation is key to maintaining a healthy, thriving fishery and ensuring your pond is ready for maximum productivity. With the right pond management strategy, your pond can be ready to flourish this summer.
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Threadfin Shad vs. Gizzard Shad: Choosing the Best Forage Fish for Your Fishery

Does it really matter what forage you choose if your predators will eat either one? It matters more than you think! Choosing the right forage fish for your pond is crucial for the health of your fishery and for ensuring that your fishery is growing quality fish and achieving your lake management goals.
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Fall is for Fishing... Electrofishing

Electrofishing in the fall provides a wealth of information about the success of fish populations. In order to truly gauge a fishery's balance and progress, scientifically measuring fish increases in weight and count allows the experts at AES a more decisive, data-driven picture to assist you in achieving the fishery of your dreams.
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On Water

Community, fellowship, friends, family, water. One of these things may not feel like the other, but if we are honest, most of our memories are tied to these things. Gatherings with friends, families, and communities throughout time usually happen with water at the center– lakes, ponds, rivers, oceans. Especially in the summers. 

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Grass Carp- Warrior of Underwater Vegetation

In the submerged vegetation war going on in lakes and ponds in the Southeastern United States there is one silent warrior that stands alone, willing to fight (well, eat) their way through to manage and control aquatic vegetation.

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Six Steps to Constructing Your Own Lake or Pond

Owning your own lake or pond may seem like only a dream, but AES can make that dream a reality and it is easier than you think.
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Building Dreams One Lake at a Time

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside still waters, He restores my soul. -Psalm 23:1-3
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Ensuring the Success of Your Aquatic Assets

Private lakes and ponds hold a unique allure for property owners seeking tranquility and natural beauty and a place to wet a line and catch fish. Yet, under the water surface lies a delicate ecosystem that demands meticulous care and attention to thrive.
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Stocking Crawfish

Stocking Crayfish, Crawdads, Crawfish, Mudbugs...Whatever you call them.... they are an excellent forage option for your lake.
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The Benefits of Electrofishing

For lake and pond owners, maintaining a healthy and balanced fishery is paramount. One of the most effective tools in achieving this goal is electrofishing. Here, we will briefly delve into the world of electrofishing, exploring its significance, methodology, data insights, effects on fish populations, and why it's a must for any pond or lake owner.
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What Does a Healthy Lake Look Like?

What does a healthy lake look like?

A healthy lake is a very general term, as every lake is different with its goals and strategies.
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Preparing Your Lake for Winter

The weather is starting to get colder which means it is time to start preparing your lake for winter. The bluegill response to fish feeders is slowing and the bass are starting to be a little tougher to catch.
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5 Reasons to Stock a Lake With Rainbow Trout

Fall is here and for AES that means trout season! Stocking your lake with rainbow trout has many benefits. Let's review each one a little more.
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Top Hunting Property Improvements

October means hunting season is here and we are ready to gear up for the season. Here are ways to improve your hunting property for a successful hunting season.
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Electrofishing-What it means and what it can do for your pond.

Fall Means Electrofishing Season
With cooler weather right around the corner, our fall electrofishing season is quickly approaching.

Electrofishing is the main component of our lake audit package.
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Harvesting Bass Fish in Georgia

What is a Fish Harvest?

Harvesting is one of the most valuable tools that pond owners can use for restructuring their fish populations to reach their pond goals.
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Otolith Aging--how we can age your fish.

Otoliths, commonly referred to as "ear stones" are hard structures composed of calcium carbonate. All members of the superclass Osteichthyes (bony fish) have otoliths.
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Lake Audits: Finding out what is swimming in your lake.


How confident are you in the health of your fishery? Are you catching healthy fast growing fish? Has it been a few years since you had a fish survey? Is something missing?

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What does Green Pond Water mean?

Green water in ponds can be beneficial to fisheries management, but also potentially harmful depending on what is causing the green coloration and how dense the green color is.
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